
Maersk NH6 Fletcher Finucane Burnerboom Repair

The Scope

Santos drilling & completion dept. contracted the Maersk NH6 drilling rig for the development of their Fletcher & Finnucane wells.  Several years previously, the dedicated NH6 burnerbooms (x2) had been demounted, shipped onshore and stored outside.  In the process, the burnerbooms had become badly damaged and corroded due to lack of maintenance.  Cube Offshore were approached to carry out a detailed structural/mechanical survey of the burnerbooms and integrity assessment and subsequently fully repair and modify to bring them up to the requirements of DNV MOU – Drilling Plant.  The following scope was carried out:

  • Detailed inspection & survey
  • Structural/mechanical integrity assessment (Staad.Pro structural analysis)
  • Full repair & modification program (structural & piping repairs, redundant piping removal, new lightweight walkway, pressure & load testing & paint coating)
  • Transport, lift, installation & operational procedures (new shipping stands & lift certification)

The Outcome

Cube Offshore delivered the assessment and full refurbishment of both Burnerbooms on schedule and to the specifications required by DNV MOU – Drilling Plant.  Early discussions and integrity analysis identified that the burnerbooms could be salvaged resulting in a significant cost saving for Santos when compared to replacement. Extensive planning for the transport, lift and installation of the burnerbooms ensured integrity would be maintained for future use.

Burnerbooms as found in a damaged and unmaintaned condition

Burnerbooms relocated to Santos yard for detailed inspection & condition assessment



Structural assessment of burnerbooms using FEA

Sea transport on new seafastening stands in accordance with installation procedures

Offshore lift in transport configuration

Burnerbooms installed and in operating mode