The Challenge:
CCI wanted to expand their onshore drilling & workover assets by developing a fully modular onshore drilling rig.
The Solution:
Cube Offshore were engaged to develop the conceptual structural design.
The modular drilling rig complied with the following codes & standards:
- API Spec. 4F – Drilling & Well Servicing Structures
- NZ1170:5 – Earthquake Actions – New Zealand
- DNV-ST-E273 – Portable offshore units (lifting strength R30)
- NZ Transport Agency – Factsheet 53a, Overdimension vehicles and loads
The drilling rig comprised of the following modularised units. All of which complied with the road transport requirements of New Zealand and DNV 2.7-3 R30 lifting requirements.
- Upper Module
- Mid-2 Module
- Mid-1 Module
- Lower Module
- Sub-base Module
- Spacer Modules (x4)
- Skid Beams (x2)
Jacking Loads = 460,000 lbs
BOP on skid cart = 35t
Total weight estimate = 162.5t
The Scope:
The following was delivered as part of an integrated project approach:
- Basis of Design & Functional Specifications
- Concept development
- Staad.Pro structural analysis
- Operating
- Storm – Expected
- Storm – Unexpected
- Seismic
- Navisworks 3D model
GA & Elevation of Land Rig Concept
BOP Skidding Capability
3D Navisworks Model